Excerpt from Chapter Two: “Dirt is Potential”

Isaiah 61:3 tells us that God gives us beauty for ashes. This is good news to anyone who has witnessed a beloved “structure” go down in flames. It’s a promise worthy of celebration, but this promise, however, comes with a prerequisite.

There is no beauty without ash.

Book Description

Words That Held Me chronicles a journey from “ruin” to restoration and is a gentle encouragement to cling to the God who always rescues. With transparent reflections, gentle encouragement, and biblical truth, Shaneez will help you:

  • Reframe your perspective of setbacks as a season of protection and preparation.

  • Renew your vision and dream big after a season of discouragement.

  • Release fear and embrace your God-given authority to always walk in victory.

  • Receive joy as a promise from God, who is able and willing to redeem all things.

In life, we encounter many challenges, and fear can keep us from having the faith we need to fulfill our purpose. But God’s unfailing promises provide the strength necessary to endure trials and thrive in seasons of darkness.

It’s time to uncover what words will hold YOU.

Words that Held Me is available exclusively on Amazon on December 19, 2023, in eBook and paperback editions.

Excerpt from Chapter Four: “Valley Lessons”

Darkness is relative; it is the absence of light. Therefore, darkness is always dependent.

We too are dependent on the only One who can light our dark paths.

May we always seek God’s presence when we find ourselves in places where the lights have gone out.